You are most likely an average student like me. Pretty good, but not stellar. Good, this post is for you, because you also likely won't get 250s, even if you try all the things people with 250s do, you will end up having a score wall like I did.
To do well on step the number one thing is to do well in your preclinical classes. I got a few questions right only because I remembered random shit from first and second year. My friends who crushed step were rockstars in years 1 and 2. I'm serious, try very hard to do your best.
My second year progressed like this leading into step:
- First half of year, don't even think about step.
- I used PATHOMA for my pathology course. This is the NUMBER ONE way to study for step indirectly.
- I also used sketchy micro, and sketchy pharm. NUMBER TWO way to study for step indirectly.
- Second half started uworld. I got through half of it before dedicated.
- Also tried starting first aid, but it was HELLA boring. (You can use a one year old first aid by the way, though I wouldn't go further back than that.)
- Just before dedicated. You will have finals for your second year courses, and so you WILL KNOW pathoma and sketchymicro and sketchypharm very well right before dedicated.
- Dedicated (5 weeks):
- I took an nbme to see where I stood. (Don't get discouraged if you do poorly. It is a challenge to your psyche to kick ass when you get a shit practice score.)
- I focused mostly on uworld questions, and I tried to study first aid at ~2chapters/day.
- I did ~120 questions/day, with one block focused on material I read in First Aid that day, rest random.
- First aid soon fell to the wayside about 2 weeks in, and it became a reference instead.
- Each week on the weekday I was set to have my test, I would take an nbme. I did this every week leading up to the test, improving a little bit each time. My step score was within 5 points of my last, and best test. (Do newer nbmes last since they'll be most like the real thing.)
There you have it. If you're an average/above average student, and try as hard as you can, you will get at least an average/above average score. But to really get a high score you have to do as well as you possibly can in years 1 and 2. Comment if you have questions on anything.
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