Monday, March 24, 2014

Last Semester Before Med School

Figure 1:  American flag, because 'MURICA is the best.

I got my med school acceptance last Fall, and I have been in college since.  I'm in my fifth year, and I'm only taking 12 credits with a pass/fail course.  Three of the classes are in science and the fourth is a public speaking class.  (I really think public speaking is a totally sweet skill to have by the way.  Like most people I'm not too good at it, but I hope to get better!)

As of now there are only four weeks left until finals week, and everything is going pretty well.  I have a B or an A in all of my classes, and I only need two A's to have magna cum laude on my degree.  Other than that, I'm not too concerned with how strong I finish.  Three classes won't significantly affect my GPA.  Besides, I doubt the honors on my undergrad degree will matter a whole lot when I get the MD anyway.  I guess it could matter when applying to residencies though.

Other than that, I followed up with almost all of the medical schools that never got back to me, and I am currently looking for a place to live next year with other med students.  It's a pretty exciting time for me.  Five years ago I had brushed off the idea of medical school as unrealistic and far too difficult to get accepted to, but then I learned that not becoming a doctor would be a poorer alternative for me.  It has taken a lot of hard work, and a lot of time, but I'm about to start medical school.  I'm really happy that I got in, and I look forward to sharing my experiences in medical school and my future through this blog.  

Have a good day, and work hard!

References: Figure 1

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